Friday, October 25, 2013

Swim Lessons 2012

It's that time of year again!
Get your swimsuits on and let's head to Ms. Debbie's Pool !

 Good form, Karli!
 This year, Ashley and I are doing the Mommy & Me class.
I'm sure she wishes she could go by herself this year, but, you're stuck with me, Ash!!
 Luckily, her friend Tyson was in our class with his Mom too.

 While Ashley waits for her class to start, she loves playing in Ms. Debbie's playground.

Look who got to join us for our last day of swim lessons!

It's Grandma!
The girls loved showing off their swimming moves for Grandma!
I can't believe how much progress both girls have made in the water.
By the end of the week, Karli was jumping off the diving board and climbing up the water all by herself.  And Ashley was going down the slide like a champ!

Proud of both of my girls!

 We were so glad the Popes were in our classes!

Here are the underwater pictures!
We look forward to these every year!

Love that lil' half smile.


The Mahaffey Family said...

Loving your posts!! Mom told me about your awesome gift idea to Chris! We all can enjoy!

Miss you guys!