Friday, October 25, 2013


Truth be idea of camping is staying at the Sheraton.  

I blame that mostly on my Dad.
My Dad is an Eagle Scout and camped all growing up.  He's probably REALLY good at camping, but by the time we came along, he was more of a Sheraton guy:)
I remember camping a few times with my family.  I don't remember lots of specifics, but I DO remember my grandparent's van and playing the candy bar game.

  I really do like the idea of camping.  I just don't like the sleeping over part of it.  Especially with kids.

Chad loves camping, so we compromised.  Lisa & Ash go home to sleep while Chad & Kar stay over night.
We headed up to Whiting Campground in Mapleton for a Friday night campout!

The Smiths joined us also!

Holly got some really cute shots of the kiddos!

Cute Ashley.
Happy Tucker.
Sweet Karli.
Cute Calvin.

And how cute is this picture?
It just might be Grandpa Smith's favorite picture of all time.
Each of their personalities show through.  Love them all!!
 Tucker and Karli "helped" set up the tents.

While Chad and Curt were cooking burgers and hot dogs, we kept the kids busy with some games.
The kids went on a rock hunt, and then got to decorate their rocks.
 Can you believe I gave a Sharpie to that little girl?? Me neither.

Kids are crazy.  
They had the most fun in the back of the truck.
Forget about nature and fire and bugs and exploring.
All they needed was a truck to play in.

 Here's a proud Dad, teaching his girls about camping.

Uh oh, Secrets!


 "My hands, Mommy!"
 "They Sickky"

 The famous Chad wink.

Enjoying the fire, all by herself.
Maybe she's a REAL camper!

Soon after s'mores, Ash & I headed home to sleep in our nice, soft, warm, comfy, cozy beds.
Karli got to experience REAL camping.

Chad's report when I asked him how she did:"She wouldn't stop talking. We barely slept."

Apparently, she kept saying "Dad, I just want to go camping."
And he kept replying "We are camping, now be quiet and go to bed."

Then, that scenario replayed itself several hundred times.
I'm proud of both of them for surviving it!

This well-rested, happy girl and I woke up early, got donuts, and headed back to the campground.

We were happy to see everyone safe and "rested."
Ashley was so excited about these cocoa krispies she had to double-spoon it.

Calvin spotted the good stuff!
Happy Campers!

While the Dads cleaned up the site, the kids went on a little scavenger hunt.
I love Karli's outfit, don't you?  Complete with crazy hair and everything.

 Adorale little cousins.

We had so much fun "camping"!
Now let's go home, jump in the bath and do laundry!

For your viewing pleasure, here are a few out takes from the truck pictures:

I can't get enough of Ashley's little belly.


The Mahaffey Family said...

Too Cute!! We want to go camping with you guys!!