Sunday, November 14, 2010

She's Here!

November 8, 2010

5:38 AM- Call from the hospital saying they will be ready for me between 6:15 and 6:30AM
6:30AM-Arrive at the hospital and start checking in.
7:45-Pitocin we go again!
11:00-Epidural. Wahoo! The anesthesiologist is one of my favorite people on the earth.
12:00-Dr. broke my water...let's get this party started!
12:00-7:00- Another long labor! I dilated about 1 cm every hour. Slow but steady. I ate a ton of ice chips, and this time, they had snow cone flavors! My favorites were tiger's blood and lime. Chad and I also watched some good daytime TV while we waited for Ashley.
7:00-Dilated to a 7, and I knew the next 3 cm would be quick.
7:30- Ready to push, call the doctor, and get the grandmas in here!! (Chad was outside in the waiting room when I knew I had to push. I just texted him "TEN" and he knew he had to get back quickly. Gotta love texting!)
8:00- The doctor is here!
8:06- Start pushing!
8:07- 3 pushes and she is here!!

I can't believe my pregnancy is over and Ashley is here. It's so good to have her with us, happy and healthy. Here are a few pictures of the Big Day!

Ashley is a miracle baby! I saw the shock on my doctor's face as she saw Ashley's cord. Turns out, there was a giant knot in her cord. No one knows how long it had been knotted. A knot in the umbilical cord usually results in an emergency C-section or a still birth. I was in shock when I saw it, and I still can't believe that she was born so healthy. I try not to think about what could have been. I'm so grateful for her!

Love this guy.
The TWO BIRTHDAY GIRLS! Ashley was born on my mom's birthday. They will always share that special day and Ashley's middle name is Annette, after my mom. Special ladies!!

Chad's mom was able to be there for Ashley's birth also. Lucky Ashley got to have BOTH grandma's there! We sure missed her Grandpa Smith. I know he's excited to meet her too!

Can you believe that hair!?!?!!? I still can't get over it!


Lisa said...

Congratulations! That hair is awesome!

The Mahaffey Family said...

She is a miracle baby!! Congratulations guys! Wish we could be there!!!

Robin said...

SHe is beautiful! How wonderful that your mom was able to be there too! I can't wait to love on this sweetie at Christmas!

Kimberly said...

Congratulations! It's so wonderful that she's here safe and healthy.

Avery said...

Congrats, you guys! She is beautiful. You look great, Lisa. I was freaking out when I saw that knot! I am so glad she is safe and healthy.

The Sanders said...

Congrats! She is beautiful! I am so jealous of her hair...Colby still doesn't have that much I am sure! Glad you are all doing good!

Jake-Becky-Chase said...

Congratulations! She is adorable! I love the hair!

wilywoman said...

Wow, what an arrival! Huzzah for Ashley Annette! It's fun to hear your side of it after seeing the pictures (first from ipad to my mom forwarded to me, then in person from your mom to Grandpa and then a couple of extra details came out with the dinner photo showing. The family photo obsession thrives these days).

Karli will be a magnificent big sister. Thank you for sharing the excitement, Lisa! Oh, and I love that you sent a text at go time. It seems fitting.