Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Preschool Program

First Year of Preschool....Check!

Ms. Nicole & Ms. Meghan worked super hard with these preschoolers for their "Welcome to the Zoo" Program.  They sang lots of wonderful songs and wore cute animal hat.
My favorite is the one in the elephant hat with the stripes.
She's pretty awesome.
I also like the boy in the orange that insisted on wearing his backpack and covering his ears the ENTIRE time.
Programs just aren't his thing.
 Ash was a great sport hanging out with Dad.
 Good Job Karli!!
 Karli Sandwich!! 
These Karli sandwiches happen  A LOT.
 Ms. Nicole & Ms. Meghan.
Possibly the best dressed teaching duo of all times.
 Last Day of School was a PAJAMA PARTY!!!

 During the "Last Day of School" photo shoot, Ash serenaded us with the recorder.
It was lovely.
I'm sure the neighbors enjoyed it at 8 AM also!