Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Karli!

One of our Birthday traditions: Breakfast in bed!

 Let's not forget about this 'lil chica!

 On Karli's actual birthday, Brighton came over to play!
Karli wanted to make some pink and purple birthday cupcakes with her.


 Kylee stopped in to wish Karli a Happy Birthday.  Perfect timing Kylee!
 Eating and enjoying:
 Lydia and Samantha also stopped by with a big cupcake surprise for Karli!
We headed into the garage where Candy Land was still set up to play for a bit.

The day AFTER her birthday, Karli insisted on carrying around her new cookbook she got for her birthday.  Look at those legs crossed!? This girl cracks me up!
 As if we haven't celebrated enough, after lunch we cut into the mini cake we made the day before.
And of course, we sang happy birthday again.
But this time, everyone got to blow out a candle!