Monday, April 2, 2012

Wednesday, January 3rd

Cheers to a good flight home!!
To be honest, I have blocked most of this day out of my mind.
Not because of any super traumatic event, but just out of pure exhaustion!
So, looking at these pictures was a good recall of what happened.

We stopped in Tokyo and ate at the lounge.
Karli was loving her some edamame!
Then, the girls had some good playtime at the Play place in the Narita airport.
The little girl in the picture came up to Karli and said "Konichiwa."
Karli just looked at me pretty puzzled, then said "I'm Karli."
International Friends!
The flights went pretty well, I guess.
Poor Ash was sick. She threw up all over me on the flight from Narita to San Francisco. Luckily, I had a pair of pants in my carry on, but I did get to stay in my shirt and marinate. When we got to San Francisco we had to get our luggage and I had the chance to change. Thank goodness.
I felt bad for Ashley but actually having her sick was a HUGE blessing. She pretty much slept the ENTIRE way home after she threw up. I'll take being thrown up on and having a cuddly, sleepy toddler over chasing a 1 year old around a plane any day.

Uncle Curt was nice enough to come pick up these hot messes from the airport.
Do we look normal?
Because we were so exhausted and jet-lagged that we were definitely not acting normal.
Karli insisted on calling her Powerade drink "Alligade" because she thought it was Gatorade, and she can't, for the life of her remember, "Gator-ade."
Still so tired on the drive home.
I have never been happier to see a carseat.
This was the first time in three weeks that I didn't have to hold Ashley in the car. Heaven.
We got home safe and sound and tried everything we could to stay awake until 7PM. It was hard, but we did it. Then Ashley woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 11PM.
Let the jet-lag begin!

We are so grateful that we were able to go to Singapore again! Thank you to Grandma & Grandpa for this amazing "twice-in-a-lifetime" opportunity. I still can't believe we were able to fit everything in. We loved seeing Singapore again and traveling to Hong Kong! But, I must say the best part was being able to spend time with our family!
We love you and miss you!
Thank you for our Amasian Adventure!


The Mahaffey Family said...

Love love love your blog!! Can I hire you to do mine!!! even better I'll just post a link to your blog!