Saturday, October 8, 2011

Karli's Swimming Lessons

In August, Karli took swim lessons ALL BY HERSELF!
What a big girl.
We took the Mommy & Me class last year, but this year she was big enough to go alone.
Ms. Debbie was Karli's instructor and she is amazing! We went to swim lessons for 5 days straight, 30 minutes a day. It didn't seem like a huge amount of time, but Karli (and I) learned a lot!
Blowing bubbles with Ms. Debbie:
Floating on her back. She eventually learned how to float all by herself.
Kicking with straight legs under the water:
Best part of the week? On Friday, Karli got to jump off of the diving board 3 times and come up all by herself! I don't have any pictures of that because I was too nervous while she jumped, and then when she popped up, I was cheering so loud. I was so proud of her!

She did so great that she got a popsicle on Friday. Wahoo! Way to go Karli!
Kissy Face:
Ms. Debbie takes pictures of each swimmer under the water. She insists that they open their eyes and smile. I'm so glad she does. I love these pictures! Karli likes me to keep them on the magnet board so she can look at them often. "That's just me at my swim lessons...with Nemo." So cute.
Ahsley and I were good cheerleaders. Next year we'll be able to do Mommy & Me!

Here's a video of Karli practicing her skills. I love my little water bug and I'm so proud of her for being so brave!