Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Best Friends

Karli and Brighton.

Brighton has been coming to our house one day a week for the last year and a half and it has been so fun to see their friendship grow! For some reason, Brighton and Karli play SO WELL together. Their personalities just mesh. Brighton is a few months older than Karli and has older brothers and sisters, so I feel like Brighton teaches Karli a lot of good things. She has taught Karli how to make-believe and play pretend. They like to play house, errands, and school (including homework...ugh!). I could sit and watch them play for hours. I also like to hear their lunch conversation. It usually goes something like this:

Karli: You having a good day today Brighton?
Brighton: Yes.
Karli: I'm not feeling well. I have a cough.
Brighton: Me too. I'm sick. Watch me Karli! (she'll make a funny face)
Karli: That's funny, now watch me! (another funny face)
Brighton: That's so silly!
Karli: Yeah, I'm silly.

I love these girls and I am so glad they are such good friends. I hope they can be good friends forever.