Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Girls Only Karaoke!

If there is one thing in the world that the Mahaffey girls LOVE...
it is singing and dancing! Karli fits right in.

Within in minutes of their arrival, all three girls were fully dressed in costume, singing "Kids Bop" at the top of their lungs, and dancing their little hearts out.
I could have watched them for hours. Love these girls.

Next up?
Costume change, then painting!
Note to self: I apparently have the world's cleanest painter (Karli).
And Michelle apparently has one of the world's messiest painter (Keely).
Karli didn't really want anything to do with the messy version.
Next up?
Trying to calm down with a movie.
Grandpa's a pro at helping the kids calm down!
uh oh...
Can't resist more singing and dancing at the end of the movie.
So much for calming down!