Friday, October 7, 2011

Otteson Family 2011

It's not too often that the whole Otteson Clan gets to be together, so when we are...FAMILY PICTURE TIME! I think it's my Dad's favorite part of his vacation! Haha! But luckily, it was pretty painless, and we got some great pictures!

I know I'm totally biased, but how cute are my parents' grandkids????
Let me tell you about them.
Landon is the oldest. He loves video games, toys and school. If any of you know the color code book...Landon is a blue.
Sydney is next. She loves being in charge, singing, and helping. Sydney is a red.
Then there's my Karli. She loves laughing, dressing up and playing make-believe. Karli is a blue.

Keely is one-of-a-kind. She is crazy. In a great way. She loves to hold babies, sing and dance, and laugh. Keely is a Yellow. How did my sister get a yellow?
Ashley. What can I say about Ash? She is cuddly, determined and ridiculously adorable. Not sure which color she is yet...still getting to know her.

Karli is one of the cleanest kids I know, but sometimes I forget she is abnormally tidy. I thought it would be GREAT to have these orange suckers at the photo shoot. As the mother of Karli, I didn't realize that this could lead to white shirts with orange splotches and orange faces and mouths. I quickly realized what I had done. But I still thought it turned out cute. Thank goodness for wet wipes and bleach, right?

I'm sure this is how the kids would like life: No mom and dad. Just grandma and grandpa...SWEET! Until bedtime...then they might have second thoughts.
Two of my favorite people:
"Everyone tickle Ashley! Oh tickling Ashley!"

Love these November 8th girls:
Thanks, Nicole, you never cease to amaze me!


Robin said...

These posts are wonderful and your family is beautiful! How nice to have your whole family together! Your parents are super cool! love you!