Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Please Excuse Karli...

We let Karli pick a movie out of the $5 bin at Walmart before we left for Colorado. She chose a Bernstein Bears movie with a few episodes. The first episode is about Sister Bear and how she hurt her ankle. Momma Bear wrote her an excuse note for gym class and she didn't have to participate. Her friends were all jealous and sister thought it was great that she didn't have to exercise! Even after her ankle was feeling better, Sister kept her bandage on and told the teacher her ankle still hurt. As in every Bernstein Bear story, there was a lesson to be learned! Sister learned that excuse notes are only for when you are truly hurt, and exercise is good for your body!

Who cares about the Bernstein Bears, you ask? Well...

I went to play volleyball one night while Chad and Karli had some good Daddy-Daughter time.

When I got home, Karli was in bed and I saw THIS on the counter:

Then I looked over and saw this:

(the pear jam Karli and I made the night before)

Being a super smart mom, I hypothesized what happened that night.
First, they watched Bernstein Bears episode.
Next, Karli asked her Dad to write her an excuse note.
Then, her Dad asked her what she needed to be excused from.
Then, Karli glanced around the kitchen and saw the pear jam.
And finally, her Dad wrote her an excuse for pear jam.

Chad confirmed my predictions and we laughed...super hard...for a long time.

How can you not love this little girl!

Thank goodness for the Bernstein Bears!
If not for them and their lessons, I would have a messy room, still get the gimmies at the grocery store, and be afraid of the dark.
If you don't understand that last sentence, come over to my house and borrow a book. We have every single Bernstein Bear book and they are all great!


Holly said...

That is hilarious! So funny! (Sorry I keep commenting...)