Thursday, May 19, 2011

Life Goes On

Even though Karli has a pretty wicked black eye, life must go on. We've learned a few things about life with a black eye.

You can still play dress ups with a black eye:
You can still paint with friends with a black eye:
You can still eat chocolate ice cream and get a messy face, with a black eye:
You can still watch a movie with cousins with a black eye:
You can still play with shapes with a black eye:
You can still wear purple and look super cute with a black eye:
You can still read stories in your underwear with a black eye:
You can still sort through beans with a black eye:
You can still find yourself in precarious positions with a black eye:
But, best of all: You can still be happy with a black eye!

I'm not sure who has gotten more strange looks this week, Karli or me?!
Lots of people feel the need to comment.
Here are a few of my favorites.

Lucy- "Hey! That's my favorite color!" (purple)
Brighton- "I want my eye like that too. Lisa, can you make my eye like Karli's?"
Lady at Walmart- "What did your little sister do to you?"
Little boy at the library- "She looks like a bad guy."
Jackson- "Your eye looks cool!"
Dr. Savage- "What did your Daddy do to you?"

If you're wondering how Karli got a black eye, you should ask her. She is getting VERY good at telling people what happened, probably because she has heard me say the story about eighty five thousand times...rounded up.


Robin said...

The dress up with the tutu and cowboy boots is my wall paper! Made me laugh out loud.

Ahh. Miss you.